Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hiking the Caribou Hills

We broke into the 70's today under sunny skies so it was time to go find a hike. I ran out to the end of Oilwell Road and found a big parking lot mostly used by ATV'ers and snowmobilers to access the Caribou Hills. I'd call that a trailhead. I hiked generally south and east into the hills for a few miles on an ATV trail. It was an excellent workout as it rolled up and down. Lots of nice views of the volcanoes across Cook Inlet, no mosquitoes, plenty of moose sign, and lots of fireweed coming on for their showy August display.

Driving back down Oilwell  Road I could see into the Kenai Range and found another 'trailhead' for a future hike.

The ATV/snowmobile trail that does triple-duty for hiking.

The Caribou Hills has lots of neat cabins with awesome views.

Who can help me identify this one?


  1. We have been following along on your journey since you left the USA. We are currently in Valdez heading out on Tues towards Anchorage and the Kenai.

    I believe the flower photograph above is called Scheuchzer's Cottongrass. Cottongrass is rcognized when going to seed by the fluffy tufts that resemble cotton batting. (Above info from the "Common Yukon Roadside Flowers" book we picked up in the Yukon.
    Linda and Bob (

  2. Gene~ It was nice to meet you! I blogged about it here:

    BTW~ We met Linda & Bob (who commented above) 2 weeks ago!

  3. The common name for the flower is Tundra Cotton. I just found your blog tonight, I think it was by way of bog 2 taking a 5th. BTW, I live just about a mile from the campground, down Deep Creek Road...what a small world. Johnny Highland who owns/runs the boat launch is a good friend of ours.
